Classical Erotology

In fact the fellator as well as the cunnilingue may be called eaters of filth, as in the passage of Galen quoted previously, where both of them are called coprophagi (dung-eaters). Bæticus however has only to do with the female pit; he is a cunnilingue, not a fellator. On the contrary, the lewd tongue of […]

Orgiastic Cults

In ancient orgiastic cults, particularly those dedicated to Dionysus and to the Syrian Baal, religious frenzies were accompanied or stimulated by drugs, fermented drink, by rhythmic dance movements, by tambourine, drum, and flute music that culminated in ecstatic self-mutilation followed by wild sexual debaucheries. (Love Potions through the Ages, Antiques, by Harry E. Wedeck)

 The Real GFE Experience!!!

 The Real GFE Experience:!!! I needed to blow off some steam so I ventured off to Paris to explore. I looked specifically for women who provided a GFE. I wanted to meet someone who could hold a conversation and provide me with some local color. My ideal date involves an intelligent women who seeks to […]

La Femme Fatale : Real French girl.

Je me nomme melina,une jeune femme Française naturelle et très raffinée,avec un corps sexy,tendre,doux,bien taillé et les seins qui tiennent dans la paume des mains.Avec mon regards et mon sourire envoûtant je vous amène dans un petit paradis sur terre ou on partagera un bon moment de plaisir et de relaxation.Doté d’une sensualité hors norme,je […]

The Instrument

Once on a time a youth, wishing to become a smith, quitted his village and hired himself as an apprentice to a farrier. His master was a busy man, all the beds in his house being filled by his workmen, and when evening came he was sore pressed to find sleeping quarters for his apprentice. […]

Hard as horn

………………………..In the beginning he pushes in with gentle blows, then quicker, and at last with such force I could not doubt that I was in great danger. His member was hard as horn, and he forced it in so cruelly, that I cried out, “You will tear me to pieces.” He stopped a moment from […]